After UnderCurrent experienced an unfortunate price hike in Telstra's iPad data plans, it was relieved to have Optus come to the rescue. In a special "Invite Only" plan promoted to UnderCurrent, Optus is offering an extra 2GB free if it spends $30 or more on its next recharge.

Hi [UnderCurrent],

We'd like to invite you to enjoy this exclusive Bonus Data offer on your next recharge!

Just recharge your Optus Prepaid Mobile Broadband with $30 or more by 20/06/2012 and we'll automatically credit you up to 2GB of Bonus Data within 48 hours.

The extra 2GB (included in brackets) applies to recharges of $30 (30 Days, 6GB), $40 (60 days, 7GB), $50 (60 days, 8GB), $70 (90 days, 9GB), $80 (186 days, 10GB), $100 (186 days, 12GB) and, yes, even in the annual $130 plan (17GB). As UnderCurrent knows full well, Telstra's annual plan is $180 for 12GB.

So, while UnderCurrent is happy with this exclusive offer, it is left to wonder what real people are being offered…

Optus likes penguins.