Sony Computer Entertainment Australia has just launched PlayTV to the media ahead of the release on Thursday. To coincide with the launch, SCEA is giving away the new device to anyone who buys a new 250GB PS3 console.
Speaking at the launch was Michael Ephraim, managing director, Sony Computer Entertainment Australia, who was very excited about the launch and the great value bundle it is offering consumers.
“From Thursday we will be bundling the Playstation 3 250GB models with PlayTV for free,” he said.
“Coming in at just $599.95 the PS3 is now the best value proposition on the market, especially due to the fact that we are now throwing in PlayTV which is worth $169.95.”
Ephraim emphasised that the launch of PlayTV is further proof that the PS3 is not just about gaming, it is about the whole home entertainment experience.
“PlayTV delivers all the features other premium PVR devices do, at a fraction of the cost,” he said.
In addition to this Ephraim insisted that the PlayTV device was very easy to install and simply requires users to plug their aerial into PlayTV, then connect a USB cable to their PS3, and then connect the PS3 normally to your SD or HD TV.
Once fully connected PlayTV uses its twin HD tuners to give consumers the ability to pause, rewind and record live free-to-air TV. The addition of a second tuner means that you can also record a program while watching another. Consumers can even play a game or Blu-ray while recording.
PlayTV will be officially released on Thursday 26 November for a RRP of $169.