Nespresso has re-located its Melbourne Emporium boutique to offer a more curated and hands-on experience to customers.
Located directly opposite the former boutique, the revamped store emulates décor inspired by the centre’s heritage style, while reflecting Nespresso’s commitment to sustainability and a circular economy.
Nespresso coffee specialists introduce customers to the wide range of coffee available with the opportunity to taste-test and compare different blends. Not only are they equipped to educate shoppers on blends, machines and services but the Nespresso narrative from bean to brew and the company’s global sustainability mission.
Each Nespresso boutique is a recycling collection point for used capsules that are repurposed. Along with the capsules collected through the national recycling program, those collected at the Emporium Boutique are sent to the Nowra, New South Wales recycling plant for treatment and distribution.