By Martin Vedris
SYDNEY: Pebble Electronics, distributors of the Conia and Hicon brands, has proudly announced a continued strong sales performance in July and August, particularly in flat panel LCD and plasma TV.
“We sold in excess of 9,000 flat panel TV’s in both July and August this year,” said Pebble Electronics general manager Nicholas Fry.
“Our total sales result showed a 24 per cent increase over the same period last year, and our growth in LCD and Plasma was four-fold on last year for the same period.”
According to Fry, the strong sales performance vindicates Pebble’s decision early this year to supplement their exclusive distribution ties with TV manufacturer Konka in order to secure strong, consistent and quality flat panel TV manufacturing with more than one reputable major panel manufacturer.
“Our relationship with Konka began as a revolution, and has undertaken many evolutions over the years. Konka were, and remain, primarily a CRT TV manufacturer, and at Pebble we are also dedicated to, and focussed on, introducing new technology. At Pebble, we are currently further developing our flat panel offers to provide the best products for our customers, to be available now.”
“We are now sourcing LCD and plasma TV’s from three major manufacturing plants in southern and eastern China. One factory manufacturers our 15, 17, 19 and 22 inch LCD range. Another one of our factories makes our 26 and 32 inch LCD’s, whilst a third manufacturer makes our plasma range of products.”
Fry commented that while it was a major change to Pebble’s strategy, the decision has been vindicated by recent events in the market.
“There is a drastic shortage of panels available worldwide; demand is far outweighing supply as the LCD market booms. If we hadn’t been so decisive and proactive earlier this year, as we shored up panel stock with our factories, we wouldn’t be in such a strong position where we will have excellent stock supplies across our expansive range of LCD and plasma TV’s as we approach the most important four months of the year.
“We’ve also seen the demise of a few brands this year, while others remain stagnant. In contrast, we’ve grown significantly to the point of recently recording a number four market position in LCD, and we have some dynamic plans in place with plasma.
“We’ve all just returned from our national conference and I can proudly report that our sales force is geared up and fired up for a big final few months to the year. We’re really excited for our customers moving ahead.”
Fry mentioned that the Australian-owned Pebble Electronics, now in it’s 11th year, will continue to offer a range of DVD players, DVD recorders, set-top boxes, CRT TVs, fridges, freezers, dishwashers, washing machines and microwave ovens, and next month launches it’s new range of 2007 split-system air conditioners.
Pebble’s range of Conia and Hicon products is available through its traditional trading partners including The Good Guys, Harvey Norman, Dick Smith Electronics, JB Hi-Fi, Clive Peeters and selected Retravision stores.