Microsoft Australia has just released new research into mobile phones and how consumers interact with their mobile device. The findings highlight some interesting usage behaviour by consumers and their dependence on the technology.
Some of the key findings include the fact that one third of 16 to 20 year olds believe it’s worse to lose their phone than their keys or wallet, 77 per cent of Australians regularly misplace their phone, and 10 per cent of all Australians have a secret phone number stored in their phone that they deliberately hide from someone else.
The new survey, which was released this morning, mentions many more interesting usage facts about mobile phones and their users. One other important aspect to highlight is the dramatic range of uses a mobile has.
According to the results, features like text, MMS and photo capabilities are used by the vast majority of consumers in today’s technology focussed environment, with 99 per cent, 94 per cent and 90 per cent of consumers (respectively) claiming to use the feature.
Grace Kerrison, Director of Microsoft’s Mobile Communications Business, commented on how the technology is changing and how consumers are adapting to this.
“Twenty years ago, most Australians could tell you not only their office number, but the numbers of ten of their closest friends. Technology is certainly making things easier for us, but all mobile phone users need to be diligent about how they secure their important information. Our research shows that nearly one in four people lose their phones, so Microsoft encourages Australians to use a backup service, such as our recently launched, complimentary Microsoft My Phone service,” Kerrison said.
“The new Windows Phones have the ability to become an extension of ourselves and are able to be loaded with applications that help us in our everyday lives. It’s incredibly simple to purchase these applications and download them on your phone. For example, Microsoft’s Windows Marketplace for Mobile offers hundreds of applications which Australians can access with a few simple clicks.”