LG Electronics has unveiled the latest mobile handsets in its popular Black Label series, the New Chocolate and New Chocolate Slide. Both handsets are designed for consumers who want their phone to be at the cutting edge of fashion and design.
Nathan Dunn, general manager for mobile communications at LG Electronics Australia was on hand at the Sydney launch this morning to talk about the new additions to the company’s mobile range.
“The New Chocolate handsets are very fashion focussed and orientated towards people who want to be different,” he said.”
“The original Chocolate handset launched in 2005 did extremely well and sold around 20 million handsets worldwide, so we wanted to tie back LG’s association with the Chocolate branding.”
The premium model in the range is the New Chocolate, which really stands out due to its huge 4-inch wide HD LCD touch screen. In terms of specifications the New Chocolate features 7.2 HSDPA for faster internet, Dual Screen user interface to show two pieces of content simultaneously, one touch copy and paste, and various multimedia playback options for movies, music and documents.
In addition to this, the New Chocolate Slide is also about to hit the retail shelves, which is for consumers who want a more traditional phone styling.
“Standing proudly alongside the New Chocolate, the New Chocolate Slide expands the Chocolate series with a beautiful yet practical slider which reflects our design leadership and focus on consumer benefits,” said Dunn.
“The New Chocolate Slide offers consumers another way to experience the trendsetting style and high performance that is symbolic of the Black Label Series.”
The New Chocolate Slide features a 12.3-millimetre body, touch sensitive side controls, 5-megapixel camera with autofocus and flash, and text scan technology.
The New Chocolate will be available to order in December through major mobile phone outlets for a RRP of $999. Actual release date and carrier information could not be announced at this stage.
The New Chocolate Slide will be available through T[life] stores, Telstra Shops and Retailers and Dealers for $0 on a 30 plan from 26 December 2009.