GfK Retail and Technology Australia, an independent market research group, has just announced that the latest incarnation of Nintendo’s handheld phenomenon the DSi has sold through more than 100,000 units in just 14 weeks.

The Nintendo DSi was released in Australia and New Zealand on 2 April 2009, and is the successor to the very popular Nintendo DS Lite, Australia’s number selling console since 2006.

As reported a couple of months ago on, the Nintendo DS (incorporating the original Nintendo DS, DS Lite and DSi) is the fastest console to reach the two million unit mark in Australia. According to GfK it reached the milestone figure in just 211 weeks, beating both its handheld competitors and all three major consoles.

The new features that stand this model out from its predecessor are two DSi Cameras, 11 unique lenses, Nintendo Sound application, SD memory card slot, slimmer unit design, increased sound quality, bigger LCD screen and the Nintendo DSi Shop.

The last feature, the Nintendo DSi Shop is one of the main features Nintendo is trying to push. The feature allows users to take their DSi online via the DSi Browser and shop for DSiWare.

The company said that first time users of the service will automatically receive 1,000 free Nintendo Points which can be used to download the users choice of DSiWare.

It is also possible for consumers to purchase Nintendo Points Cards from retailers and the DSiWare on the site come in four different price categories: free, 200 points, 500 points and 800 points.