Founded in the Australian outback in 1912, D&G has built deep expertise in the niche market of domestic appliance warranty and for over a decade, its pay-by-the-month warranty proposition has been delivering better outcomes for leading retailers across the UK and Europe, as well as their customers.
Meanwhile in Australasia, the role of warranty products in retail has been very much in the spotlight, yet very little change has occurred. D&G’s Managing Director ANZ, Milo Parkin said as the local market has consolidated, the warranty products themselves have become less and less differentiated. “With an ever-increasing requirement to demonstrate consumer value, some innovation is long overdue,” he added.
To complement its second-to-none service proposition (starting with a 99.65% claims acceptance rate and +49 NPS), D&G Australia and New Zealand has now packaged up its monthly pay proposal for the local market. Launching in early 2019, this feature-rich, insurance-based warranty product makes compliant selling easy, and is jam-packed with customer benefits that don’t require significant upfront cost.
L to R: Domestic & General’s National Sales Manager, James McBride and Managing Director, Milo Parkin
“Consider the impact on attachment if, having done a brilliant job upselling a customer from a $599 fridge to the $749 model, a salesperson could offer additional protection for $4.99 a month, instead of a further $110 upfront payment,” said Parkin.
“This simple alternative not only upgrades the warranty proposition significantly, it also addresses the issue of price sensitivity and delivers retailer outcomes that traditional extended warranty simply cannot match,” he added.
D&G’s challenge to Australian retailers can be summarised in two simple questions: Are you maximising your business returns from warranty? And are your customers getting genuine value for money?
If you can’t confidently answer yes to the both, head to D&G’s website or LinkedIn page to get more information on its monthly pay insurance program and company news.