By Patrick Avenell
SYDNEY, NSW: Panasonic will soon be offering the Plus7 catch up TV service from Yahoo!7 on its Viera Cast IPTV platform. This will bring it into line with LG and Sony, which already offer Plus7.
Following yesterday’s announcement by LG that it had partnered with Yahoo!7 to deliver a swathe of Channel 7 content via live streaming on compatible TVs, Panasonic has confirmed to that it soon will also offer programming such as 'Family Guy', 'Packed to the Rafters' and 'Home and Away' on its range of IPTV models.
Plus7 will join Twitter, Skype, YouTube and Picasa, amongst others, when it goes live on Viera Cast.
“[Panasonic Viera Cast] users can view such familiar content as YouTube and Picasa, as well as stock information on Bloomberg and weather forecasts, directly on their Viera TV,” said Panasonic consumer electronics division director Paul Reid.
“With the new feature of Skype voice and video calling, users can connect an optional camera to view the other party's image on the big Viera TV screen as they converse.
“Panasonic has introduced the Twitter micro-blogging service to Viera Cast; and Plus7 delivered by Yahoo!7 will be available soon.”
Although there are no charges associated with viewing this content, downloads will count towards a users monthly quota.
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