By Patrick Avenell

SYDNEY, NSW: At least two independent consumer electronics retailers are sourcing Samsung 3D TVs through online direct websites to onsell in their stores, according to 3DcheapTV managing director Nick Ballantine.

This new method of wholesale sourcing was revealed to after we began investigating this new website, which began a lightning sales blitz on Sunday when it took out a half-page ad in Sydney’s Sun Herald. This ad, which cost the company $10,000, has led to around 1,000 TV sales, completely clearing the organisation of stock, according to claims by Ballantine.

3DCheapTV currently markets five SKUs of Samsung 3D TVs, ranging in size from 40-inch up to 65-inch. The largest model in the range is advertised at $1,599, although all sales have been halted, with Ballantine citing stock exhaustion as the main reason.

If Ballantine’s figures are to be believed, and he has sold around 200 units of each line in the three days since the ad was purchased, he has grossed around $1.3 million.

The supplier offers a 1 year warranty on purchases: 3 months replacement and 12 months parts and labour. Although the TVs are Samsung-branded, Samsung Australia does not play any part in the importation, sales or distribution of these TVs.

UPDATE: Since posting this story, has been told that there are multiple suspicions about the legitimacy of Ballantine's operation. Please read Leigh Stark's article from the Gadget Guy for more information. Please note that did speak to Ballantine directly, and that the advertised phone number on his site is working and is being answered. takes no postion on how legitimate this site is, preferring to let the ACCC and other regulatary bodies arrive at such judgements. always promotes the purchasing of all products from recognised retail stores.