By Keri Algar

SYDNEY, NSW: Father’s Day spending could do little to relieve sluggish winter sales, according to a number of retailers.

A survey conducted today by found retailers were not optimistic for the spring affair.

One Retravision store said stock had not started moving yet, though in prior years the store had experienced a slight sales increase for shavers, groomers, GPS systems, cameras and other small electronic goods. The store said it expects the same boost this year.  

Another Western Australian store claimed that trading was “not what it was years ago”.

Sheldon Wykes of Wykes Retravision said male shavers and groomers saw a small spike during this time, but overall, Father’s Day did not have a dramatic impact on store sales.

“We have targeted Father’s Day with advertising over the years but we don’t see a big spike in sales,” Wykes told

“Mother’s Day tends to be more of an event with a lot of husbands coming in and buying things.”

“It’s a funny one, us poor Dad’s get left out.”

This September marks the 100 year anniversary of Father’s Day. The day was originally conceived by Sonora Smart Dodd, Washington, in appreciation and gratitude for her Father. Dodd felt her Dad was equally due the tribute her Mother received on Mother’s Day.

Wykes said he would be telling his wife about the anniversary, in the hope of getting something “really good” this year.