Logitech Australia has just announced the availability of the its first all-in-one laptop accessory, which features integrated stereo speakers, a built-in fan and a wide padded base to offer consumers a higher quality home entertainment experience.
The Logitech Speaker Lapdesk N700, is designed to offer a more immersive audio experience while increasing comfort for notebook users. Denis Pavillard, Logitech vice president of product marketing for laptop accessories, discussed the new release.
“More and more people around the world are enjoying fantastic entertainment on their laptops — but with mediocre sound and comfort,” he said.
“In fact, according to our research nearly 50 percent of laptop users report being dissatisfied with the sound quality of the built-in speakers. The Logitech Speaker Lapdesk N700 helps transform your laptop into a private theatre in the cozy confines of your lap.”
According to Logitech, the N700 offers two built-in high definition speakers with 2-inch high performance speakers. These speakers are specifically designed for notebook computers and are precisely positioned on either side of the computer.
Comfort is another major draw card of the N700, offering consumers a padded base to help make your laptop more comfortable when resting on your lap. A built-in fan circulates air under your notebook and incorporates a heat-shielding design to keep the heat from the device off your legs.
The Logitech Speaker Lapdesk N700 will be available in Australia from late March for a RRP of $149.95. It will be sold exclusively through Officeworks nationally.
This is the latest addition to the Logitech Lapdesk range, which also includes the Logitech Comfort Lapdesk for Notebooks (RRP: $99.95), Logitech Cooling Pad N100 (RRP: $59.95) and the Logitech Portable Lapdesk N315 (RRP: $49.95).