Hopeful for consumer confidence boost.
The re-election of the Morrison government has been praised by national and state-based retailers, who are pleased that they can now re-focus on business without any distractions.
BSR Group’s Graeme Cunningham (pictured) told Appliance Retailer although the result was surprising to many; it has been well received overall.
“This should feed into consumer confidence which will be good for retail and business generally. The share market has reacted positively which is a good, positive indicator of the result. Having strong, stable economic management, security of jobs as well tax relief all point to good trading ahead for retail and the broader economy.”
Bi-Rite’s Hamza Hussein said regardless of who one voted for, it is good to see consumer confidence bounce back after the election. “Notwithstanding the result, a level of consistency in government can be a positive.”
Spartan Electrical’s Con Tsoutouras welcomed the result and hopes it will bring political stability after a long period of uncertainty and negativity.
“Political and economic stability definitely have a positive impact on consumer sentiment and discretionary spending. Therefore, I expect some upside for the retail sector.”
Whitford’s Ben Whitford believes Australia made the right decision at the polls. “Let’s get back down to business to finish off the year strong with no more distractions.”
Leading Edge Group’s Charlie Davey said members are relieved that the election is over and business can get back to focusing on the customer.
ARA’s Russell Zimmerman (pictured) described the result as “a win for retailers” and that it would provide certainty for retail businesses, whilst offering opportunities for the sector to engage and address issues of concern with government.
He singled out Labor’s promise to legislate to reverse penalty rate reductions in retail, hospitality and pharmacy, and emphasised the ARA would continue to resist any move to implement such a policy.
“The independent umpire – the Fair Work Commission set up by Labor – makes evidence-based determinations regarding issues such as penalty rates, and its independence must be respected. We hope the election result puts an end to attempts to interfere politically with bodies such as the FWC,” he said.
“Governments don’t determine trade or turnover, but what they administer dictates the conditions with which our retail member businesses must work to be profitable, to make a living, and create jobs.
“The Morrison government has signalled a common-sense approach to workplace relations, business energy costs, lower taxes, cutting red tape, and taking a rational view on climate change, and we welcome its re-election to office.”
NRA CEO Dominique Lamb urged the Prime Minister to make the tax cuts his top priority, in order to put extra money into consumers’ pockets.
“Both sides of politics went to the election recognising the need to boost Australians’ disposable incomes – whether through increasing wages or reducing taxes,” Lamb said.
“The voters have chosen the reduced taxes option, and we urge the Government to move very quickly on getting its Budget through the Parliament and getting that extra money into people’s pockets.
“We also urge the Opposition and cross-bench Senators to recognise the benefits that will flow to households and businesses from the tax cuts, and to support them in the Parliament.”
Lamb also welcomed the Government’s commitment to keep the Fair Work Commission independent from political interference, and not to override its 2017 decision in relation to Sunday penalty rates for workers in retail and fast food.
“There is simply no place for politicians in deciding these matters. The Australian public has very clearly said it does not support changing the rules to give more power to the politicians at the expense of the independent umpire.”