Full text of former David Jones CEO Mark McInnes’ media statement
"I offered my resignation to David Jones because I had behaved in a manner unbecoming of a chief executive officer – I made mistakes and I have acknowledged those mistakes. Having said that I reject many of the recent specific allegations and legally I have no alternative other than to vigorously contest them and I will.
"It is public record that I left the company as soon as practicable to try to minimise further impact and to allow the complainant to continue her career with David Jones and to allow David Jones to continue to focus on delivering shareholder value. I apologised to all concerned – most particularly to the complainant. And I apologise again today.
"My partner Lisa and I will be returning to Australia shortly to allow me to begin working with my legal team. I ask that people allow the legal process to run its course. I am restricted from further comments until the appropriate time in that process."