The latest data released by the Sony HD Benchmark, compiled by GfK, shows high definition televisions are rapidly outselling non-HD products, by as many as 752-to-1.
According to the data, for every non-high definition LCD TV purchased there were 752 high definition LCD TVs purchased and for every non-high definition plasma TV purchased there were 14 high definition Plasma TVs purchased.
The survey also highlighted those categories where non high definition products were dominant:
-For every HD Notebook PC purchased there were 3127 Non-HD Notebook PCs purchased
-For every HD movie purchased there were 51 Non-HD movies purchased
-For every HD DVD Hardware Unit purchased there were 17 Non-HD DVD Hardware units purchased
-For every HD Camcorder purchased there were 4 Non-HD Camcorders purchased
-For every HD Game purchased there were 3 Non-HD Games purchased
-For every HD Gaming Console purchased there were 3 Non-HD Gaming Consoles purchased
-For every HD STB/PVR purchased there was 1 Non-HD STBs/PVRs purchased
The survey also measured the household penetration of high definition products based on an estimated number of Australian households at 8.4 million – a projected estimate based on the 8.1 million occupied households measured by the 2006 Census conducted by the Australian Bureau of Statistics.
HD Household Penetration Summary:
-1 in every 2.7 households has access to a high definition LCD TV
-1 in every 7.3 households has access to a high definition Plasma TV
-1 in every 8.3 households has access to a Play Station 3 or X-Box 360 games console
-1 in every 9.7 households has access to a high definition Set Top Box or personal video recorder
-1 in every 9.3 households has access to a Full HD 1080p television
-1 in every 91 households has access to a high definition movie/DVD player
-1 in every 96 households has access to a high definition camcorder