By Patrick Avenell
SYDNEY, NSW: In an effort to increase downloads on its relatively new Caspa service, TiVo has today downgraded its price, with a whopping 35 per cent reduction in price, including a $50 cashback promotion.
Formerly known for its enviable record in holding up its RRP, Hybrid TV, the licensees of TiVo in Australia, today announced a new RRP for its media storage and content delivery device. Formerly $699, the TiVo is now RRP $499. Furthermore, consumers who purchase a TiVo before 31 January 2011 are eligible for $50 cashback or a $100 voucher for the Caspa On-Demand.
And just to sweeten the deal further, TiVo is throwing in its Wireless Adaptor, normally RRP $69, free with this package.
This remarkable promotions runs contra to all that TiVo has stood for previously, with the connected PVR famous for being a premium product with a premium pricetag. Furthermore, this morning’s announcement is the first we’ve heard from TiVo in months. TiVo has previously relied on a strong PR and marketing program to drive interest in its products. In line with much of the consumer electronics industry, this focus has now shifted to a price based strategy.
In the release announcing this promotion, Hybrid TV CEO Robbee Minicola made the following statement:
“With the low $499 RRP, the free wireless adaptor and the choice between either $50 cash back or $100 Caspa credits, the entire family will get to experience the gift, even if the present only has one name on the card.”