To deliver immersive environment.
Coomera Anglican College in Brisbane have installed Epson laser projectors for their future-focused, new Imaginarium 360-degree immersive learning environment, the Pod. The independent school campus consists of Primary, Junior Secondary and Senior Secondary schools and an Early Learning Centre.
College IT services manager, Darryl Hall said the Epson EB-L1300UNL was the only projector on the market that could meet the needs and requirements of this new project.
“After installation an Epson projector engineer was onsite to ensure that all colour and white levels were adjusted uniformly across the six EB-L1300UNL projectors. The service experienced from Epson also validated the college decision to select Epson for this project,” Hall said.
The EB-L1300UNL laser projectors are mounted onto a circular steel metal frame in the centre of the theatre and project a 11520 x 1080 image onto the walls in a full 360-degree circular room with walls painted with a specialised low reflection paint. Used in conjunction with ImmersaView advanced display software the projector images are then warped and blended resulting in a seamless 360-degree image across the curved walls.