Apple has officially announced that the iPad will be available in Australia from late April. The company confirmed that all models of the new tablet device will be released simultaneously, including the 3G and Wi-Fi versions.
Earlier in the year, Apple unveiled the details for its eagerly anticipated tablet computer, but until now no official release date had been confirmed for Australia. Apple aficionados don’t need to wonder anymore with confirmation the device will launch in late April.
“iPad is something completely new,” said Steve Jobs, Apple’s CEO. “We’re excited for customers to get their hands on this magical and revolutionary product and connect with their apps and content in a more intimate, intuitive and fun way than ever before.”
The Apple iPad allows consumers to browse the web, read and send email, view and share photos, watch videos, listen to music, play games and read ebooks. According to Apple, the device is thinner and lighter than any laptop or netbook on the market.
The iPad measures in at 1.27 centimetres thick, weighs 680 grams and delivers a battery life of up to 10 hours.
Pricing has only been confirmed for the US market at this stage. The 16GB model will be available for US $499, $599 for the 32GB and $699 for the 64GB.
Wi-Fi + 3G models of the iPad are expected to retail for US $629 (16BG), $729 (32GB) and $829 (64GB).
Australian pricing will be announced at the time of availability.