To grow podcasting.
Commercial Radio Australia (CRA) will set up a Podcast Working Group comprising commercial, ABC and SS, to spearhead the development of the growing podcast industry.
CRA CEO, Joan Warner, said the working group would be charged with developing an all-of-industry podcast strategy, including recommendations on measurement, promotion and research.
“Radio broadcasters are key to driving the growth and development of podcasting in Australia because of our expertise in the audio sector and our existing content production and marketing infrastructure,” she said.
The working group will provide la clear strategic direction to help podcasting to flourish, by recommending uniform standards, as well as guide marketing, measurement and education initiatives intended to benefit both audiences and advertisers. It will be charged with providing advice to the radio industry on four key areas: consumer promotion, audience measurement and reporting, market research, and education to assist the marketplace in understanding the commercial opportunities.
Broadcast radio is highly regulated and audience measurement is tracked through the independently audited GfK Australian radio surveys. In contrast, the podcast industry is currently fractured, with no standard measurement system in place.
“Australian radio is already very active in the podcasting space and has invested heavily in both original and branded podcasting,” Warner said. “The group will bring together specialists across audio content creation, research, measurement, marketing and sales, and will allow us to work together on the challenges and opportunities that impact the whole industry.”
ABC head of regional & local, Michael Mason, welcomed the move. “As podcasting becomes increasingly more important in the radio and audio sector it is equally important that we have the means to accurately reflect its share and growing influence. This working group is an important step in establishing an all-of-industry approach to what is still an emerging platform,” he said.
The Infinite Dial Australia report by Edison Research released in May found that 13% of Australians had listened to a podcast in the last week, while 88% had listened to Australian radio. PwC’s Australian Entertainment & Media Outlook report forecasted the number of monthly podcast listeners would grow to 8.9 million by 2022.