Bosch Australia is donating $500,000 to provide assistance and support to communities affected by the bushfires. The funds will be allocated to an appropriate project in the first quarter of 2020.
Earlier this year the company announced it would take part in the Victorian Government’s Business and Sport for Bushfire Recovery Program. Along with other businesses, sporting organisations and government agencies, Bosch Australia intends to stimulate economic activity by hosting events, meetings and conferences in bushfire-affected communities when it is safe to do so.
Bosch Oceania president, Gavin Smith said it was critical that businesses are a part of the rescue effort for devastated communities at a time like this. “The economic impact of this crisis is likely to deepen and we must make sure that the response and rescue effort by businesses reflects the scale of the disaster.”
From left: actor Rachel Griffiths, Visit Victoria CEO Brendan McClements, Victoria premier Daniel Andrews, Australian Football League club and broadcasting general manager Travis Auld, Victoria Tourism Minister Martin Pakula and Bosch Oceania president Gavin Smith.
He said by pledging to hold events in small towns, the company is helping affected communities get back on their feet, supporting what will be a long and difficult recovery process.
This pledge has already been fulfilled by the Bosch Automotive Electronics division that will hold a leadership retreat in Beechworth for two days in late February, with more divisions to follow suit in the coming months.
The leadership retreat will be hosted by mayor and CEO of Indigo Shire Council, Jenny O’Connor, who will speak about leadership in a time of challenge, including how business can support regions under economic pressure.
Bosch Australia has communicated to more than 400,000 associates globally that now is the time to visit Australia.