By Martin Vedris
SYDNEY: Retravision Southern today announced that it has decided not to renew the contract of CEO Brian Kelly and is in the process of looking for a new CEO.
In a statement released today the company said, “Retravision is continuing its previously advised aim of sharing services for the eastern seaboard to reduce cost and reduce duplication.
“As a result of this review the board of Southern Limited advise that Brian Kelly’s contract has been completed.”
Chairman Trevor Elsworthy said, “Brian had completed his three year contract. He has assisted in creating the platform for growth. As you are aware, there have been many challenges and opportunities over this time. The board would like to acknowledge Brian’s contribution to the organisation in the past three years and thank him for his commitment.
Retravision stated that the company’s board will begin the process of seeking a CEO and will advise when an appointment has been made.