By Patrick Avenell
SYDNEY, NSW: With 12 working days of left before Christmas Day, we thought we would celebrate the occasion by presenting a light-hearted review series of some of the hottest gadgets of 2010. From today through until Christmas Eve, we’ll present 12 reviews, each written to suit the form of a different poetry style.
To start our 12 Gadgets of Christmas series, we have a review of the most hyped up device of the year: Apple’s iPad. The poetry form to start is the Roundel, which was created by 19th Century English poet AC Swinburne.
The Magical iPad: A Roundel Review
The ‘magical’ iPad does not come for free,
And its many limitations can make users mad,
Such as no camera, Flash, memory cards slots or USB,
The magical iPad?
But it started a revolution and is not just a fad,
Fast to boot up, a big screen for apps, Wi-Fi and 3G,
Smooth software for the boffin, cool design for the cad.
Apples don’t fall far from the tree,
So a new model will be out soon for good or for bad,
With less luxury locked out and more connectivity:
The magical iPad.
(Patrick Avenell)
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