Navteq, a leading provider of digital map, traffic and location data, today announced that consumers are ranking ‘on foot’ navigation as one of the most important reasons for considering the purchase of a mobile phone.
According to Navteq, its pedestrian navigation product, Discover cities, now powers several on-foot commercially available devices and applications from various brands like Garmin, Networks in Motion, Nokia and Samsung.
The product offers up to 53 pedestrian-specific attributes, which help provide a variety of routing options to users, including those entirely on foot, or with portions on public transport systems.
An example of this is that Discover Cities will consider the location of bus and rail stations and their entrances/exits in relation to the pedestrian; it can also include transfer times.
“The growing number of commercially available devices and applications reinforces the trend that pedestrian navigation is becoming mainstream,” said Jeff Mize, executive vice president, global sales, Navteq.
“We are pleased that the high-quality data from Navteq Discover Cities will enable our customers to provide consumers with accurate orientation and guidance to further enhance the pedestrian experience.”