By Patrick Avenell
SYDNEY, NSW: Long suffering fans of both Collingwood and St Kilda got there first look at Panasonic’s new TVC last Saturday, with the new creative airing during the top of the table clash on Channel Ten.
Based around plays on the word black, and referencing everything from black cats and black rats to blackmail, the advertisement is intended to demonstrate how plasma panel technology is provides better blacks than other TV formats.
Talking about this commercial is Cameron Hoelter from the creative agency The Campaign Palace.
“Superior picture quality is directly related to how black the blacks are. The colours themselves become more vibrant when contrasted with a blacker background. Panasonic’s improvements in Neo Plasma technology have made their blacks an industry benchmark,” Hoelter said.
“What with black plagues, black moods, black hats and black cats, black has never had a particularly good reputation. But it is however, exceptionally good at one thing. When you put something good in front of it, it sure as hell stands out.”
Anyone who missed seeing this ad during Saturday’s blockbuster, can check it out here.