It’s a hirer’s market. Traffic to our job vacancies section is up 23 per cent. And a research paper has highlighted that now is a better time than ever for recruiters to snap up top candidates for their business.

The Recruitment and Consulting Services Association (RCSA) Recruitment Industry Radar quarterly member research paper has demonstrated that candidates are easier to find today than any time since 2001, and more than half of the 2,700 corporate members and 1,080 accredited professionals agreed when surveyed.

According to Julie Mills, CEO of the RCSA, the slowing economy has created more job seekers than ever before. But she warned employers to act fast because it won’t last forever.

“Employers should not be fooled into thinking this will be the case forever; demographic forces mean there will still be a skills shortage in the long term. Smart employers who have the resources should be taking this opportunity to attract and develop top talent. They will need good people to help them weather the downturn and succeed in the upturn,” Mills said.

The survey also found that after a sharp decline in the previous quarter, business confidence in the sector has stabilised, rising slightly by 1.5 per cent. This means that 44 per cent now expect an increase in business in the next quarter.

It was also revealed that employers concerns about a lack of suitable candidates have dropped by 40 per cent.

This recent uptake in job seekers in the market has also been witnessed on Appliance Retailer, with the job vacancies section of the website experiencing an increase in traffic by 23.58 per cent from the period of 1 February to 1 March 2009.

With the current state of the economy and the constant financial uncertainty of many businesses, it is probably the last thing on employer’s minds to hire more staff. But this survey and our own research here at Appliance Retailer has demonstrated that there is a dramatic increase in the amount of skilled workers available in the workforce at the moment, and now is the best possible time to bolster your staff with talent.