By Paul Hayes
SYDNEY, NSW: As 21st Century consumers scramble to be among the first to get their hands on the latest digital device, the recent increase in online sales of Apple’s new iPad is no shock, according to eBay head of corporate communications, Dan Feiler. This has inevitably meant that traditional retailers are missing out on sales.
“There is a very large group of people who want to be the first with these devices,” said Feiler.
Available in the US from the beginning of the month and with consumers in most countries having to wait until ‘late April’ to get their hands on them, eBay sales of the iPad have skyrocketed.
According to figures released by eBay Australia, almost 1,500 iPads have been sold on the online auction site, with close to another 2,000 currently listed for sale.
Current asking prices for the tablets device range from close to the average RRP of US$499 to one whopping price tag of US$10,000, which the seller will generously ‘hand deliver anywhere in the world.’
Felier said he has not been surprised by the sales spike.
“History shows that when you have got these hot items people will turn to these international sellers.”
As of last week, eBay had facilitated the sale of around 800 16GB iPads, at an average price of US$604, while 32 GB (300 units, US$700) and 64GB (360 units, US$739) had also sold well.
According to Felier, the recent strength in the Australian dollar has also played a key role in the increased sales.
“eBay is a global marketplace. People take advantage of that gap in the market.”