Kleenmaid CEO Danny Hamilton, has described the company’s performance in 2015 as “sensational” and is confident that a focus on customer service for consumers and retailers will continue to reap rewards beyond this year. In our Mid-Year Report card, he reveals how the company will make this happen.

Danny Hamilton

How has the first half of 2015 been for your business?

We appreciate that our position is somewhat unique as we are moving back into the market. However, as the Kleenmaid brand gathers momentum we are seeing our dedicated disciplines in providing exceptional customer service and outstanding support to our selling partners really striking a chord.

For too long both consumers and selling partners needs have been overlooked and neglected.

In having laser-like focus on what we term the ‘Triple Win’, we are ensuring that consumers are getting real value for money, that our retail partners are enjoying the financial benefits of strong margins and that we are in turn succeeding in our business objectives.

What are your predictions for the second half of the year?

The second half of the year is always better than the first.  I am predicting the second half of the year will be tremendous for us in every facet of our business.

What opportunities do you see for the electrical retailing industry?

There is a huge amount of business to be secured by doing the job better than it is being done by others. Professional, ethical selling is the key to electrical retailing success. Consumers don’t come into a store to necessarily buy as they can do that online should they wish to.

Customers are in the store because they are either researching products and want to see, feel and touch what they want to are intending to buy. Or they are seeking advice from a competent sales professional. On many occasions they simply want verification of their intending purchasing decision.

The retailer who has well-informed, well-trained and well-presented sales staff — who know how to close and are willing to ask for the order — will clearly win more business than the ones who don’t.

What threats are currently present in the industry?

We have identified the weakness and it is ourselves. It is laziness to the standards of retail excellence. It is apathy to customer service. It is a reluctance to train and reward sales staff.

It is lowering our standards of sales professionalism.

With the amount of construction going in Australia today, the sales of electrical appliances should be booming, and they are for those retailers who are investing in the price for sales success.

What is your favourite product of 2015 so far?

It is the Kleenmaid GCTEK9020. A 90cm gas cooktop on arsenic free, Black Krystal glass with electronic sensor touch controls and five burners with nine levels of electronic gas control.