By James Wells
DUBROVNIK, CROATIA: Narta retailers today admitted the urgent need to incorporate an online strategy into their business as the conference speakers reminded delegates that ‘the future is now’.
Inspired by a series of speakers including GfK Australia and New Zealand managing director Gary Lamb, strategist Vijay Govindarajan, Rob Siefker from online retailer and social networking specialist Mike Walsh, Narta retailers were inspired to work harder on developing the online strategies in their business, covering not just Facebook and Twitter, but fully functional e-commerce businesses.
Click on the link below to hear Narta board member and director, Shane Leaney from VideoPro in Queensland, who operates an online retail trading store at, discuss the importance of online strategy in the future.
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Click on the link below to hear from Narta member Ewan Simpson, who owns the Tasman AV retail store, as well as online retail business, discussing the inevitable shift towards an online business strategy.
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