The downfall of Kleenamaid has definitely angered the majority of the Australian community and according to a Retravision store owner; it has damaged the entire industries reputation.

Ian Ray, store owner of Ian Ray Retravision in Swan Hill, Victoria, contacted yesterday to vent his frustration with the Kleenmaid Group and its directors.

“In my opinion the directors of Kleenmaid, if found guilty, should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law for trading while insolvent, as should all directors of companies,” he said.

He went further claiming that the company has caused the entire industry harm and has put a dent in the already shaky consumer confidence in this current economic climate.

“The damage this has done to the integrity of the electrical industry and the consumer’s trust that has now been lost will affect us all for some time to come, if indeed we ever get it back.”

Ray was adamant that directors must be accountable for their decisions, whether good or bad.

“I feel very strongly about directors being responsible for their actions,” he said.