Wondering what to get the home chef who already has sous vide, slow cooker and breadmaker? The vendors at the 2015 Hong Kong Electronics Fair had some suggestions…

How about a domestic oil press? Nuts poured into the top of the Deliren Daily Helper are ground and pressed until oil is extracted below.

Food Dehydrators were popular around the fair. This one had a series of drawers to dry different fruits and created a pleasant aroma.

“Flick stains and spots with Ultra Sonic Vibration!” This handheld ultrasonic cleaner from Japan is infomercial gold; it removes stains from clothes via ultrasonic vibrations which create bubbles and a jet stream of water. If held under a cup of flat beer it will cause the head to froth up (pictured in action below).

At the Fair one company had created a whole range of products that use sonic vibrations to make beers foamier.

Clearly in vogue, these electric ‘fruit and vegetable purifiers’ also use sonic vibrations and water to remove pesticides and bacteria from food.

This family toothbrush holder sticks to the bathroom mirror and uses UV light to clean the brush heads.

These compact colourful coffee machines are able to make drip or capsule coffee by popping a filter or pod into the machine head.