By Patrick Avenell
ADELAIDE: An Adelaide company today announced that it has received funding for its new technology which is designed to cut the stand-by times of appliances. Ember Technologies developed the new innovation, which is designed to selectively turn off idle electrical devices which have been left in stand-by mode. The company claims that the power consumed by appliances in this mode translates to “roughly 10 per cent of the power used in Australian homes”.
The two primary investors are the South Australian-based Playford Capital and the Victorian-based Cleantech Ventures. Together they have contributed $750,000 to Ember Technologies, which will be used to finalise its initial product designs and plan the launch of its products.
Speaking about this investing is the South Australian Minister for Science and Information Economy, the Honourable Paul Caica (ALP). “Ember Technologies is a great example of a promising young South Australian company taking its clean technology innovation to the world,” said the Honourable Mr Caica.
Ember Technologies claim this innovation is ideally suited for audio visual systems and computers. The company claims the following benefits for users:
-Power savings of as much as $120 a year per application.
-Longer equipment life through full powering down of devices.
-Reduced fire risk by removing standby power and protection from power fluctuations.
-Reduced CO2 emissions by reducing and in most cases eliminating standby power.
Talking about the new technology is Ember Technologies CEO Domenico Gelonese. “Our technology is able to address all forms of power wastage; it’s like unplugging the idle device from the power socket. We have spent three years perfecting this technology in order to deliver a consumer-friendly solution that tackles our ever-increasing levels of power usage,” said Gelonese.