By Keri Algar
SYDNEY, NSW: JayBird headphones, a brand new to Australia, are the latest to jump on the Bluetooth bandwagon, reducing the painstaking chore of untangling wires in and around audio visual equipment.
JayBird is a sports lifestyle brand that was introduced from the United States in September and is being distributed in Australia by Audion Innovision. The new SB2 Sportsband Bluetooth Headphones feature wireless connectivity encased in a 1980’s-fashioned headband, which is available in nine colours.
According to JayBird, who has recently teamed up with USA Triathlon, the headphones’ technical specifications match that of CD quality output and offer a high fidelity bass response.
The SB2 come with upgraded hardware for improved volume, clarity and call performance and handle both stereo music and phone calls. Complete remote controls are included on the headphones.
Importantly for a sports related device, the headphones offer a life-time warranty against sweat. The SB2 headphones are currently sold through Officeworks stores at RRP $149.