By Craig Zammit
SYDNEY: According to IT Market Insights, NEC has regained its number one position as the market share leader in the multimedia data projector category for Q1 2006, making up 11.3 per cent of the market.
“AV/IT convergence has seen IT vendors entering the top five market share spots. NEC has a strong presence in the IT channel as well as the professional AV channel which we believe has put us in a good stead for now and the future,” said NEC’s visual display division national sales manager, Steven Macdonald.
The strongest category for NEC in the first quarter of 2006 was XGA projectors, in which the brand held a12 per cent market share.
Industry analysts believe the continued strong growth in the home theatre and education markets, as well as the increase in XGA projectors sales, were the catalysts for the results.
Interestingly, the data projector category is developing into a tightly contested and somewhat fickle category, with the IT Market Insights data projectors report for Q3 2005, showing Acer as the brand leading the category in market share.
And last year, DTC Worldwide’s quarterly insight report, found BenQ was the number one projector vendor in Australia for Q4 2005, with a market share of 11.5 per cent, with Sony coming in second place.