According to the annual Hitwise industry ranking, the Dick Smith website is ranked number one for online shopping in appliances and electronics.

The Hitwise annual rankings celebrate the most successful Australian websites in more than 160 online categories. Rankings are based on market share of visits among all Australian websites received between1 January and 31 December 2008.

Dick Smith web manager, Luke Hilton, puts the success on the company’s long 40 years of retailing experience.

“Dick Smith has been in technology retailing for a long time and we know that the way that customers shop has changed. Consumers are looking to research and buy products when they want, wherever they want,” he said.

“We recognised that our website needed to become more relevant for today’s online consumer. In our stores customers can get the expert advice and information they require to make educated purchasing decisions so it’s important we also offer that on our website.”

Hilton also mentioned how the recent re-design of the website really helped in achieving this success.

“We recently re-designed to make it slicker, more streamlined and user-friendly place to shop for consumer technology. We designed the site as both a resource and a shopping destination for consumers,” Hilton said.

The improved search function and a stronger focus on usability was another important aspect of the site, according to Hilton.

Hitwise rankings reflect the anonymous online usage and search behaviour of more than 25 million Internet users. It is the largest online sample of its kind. The unique awards program recognises excellence in online performance through public popularity.