To replace Trevor Evans.

Dominique Lamb has taken on the role of chief executive officer for the National Retail Association (NRA) following her role as principal at the association’s law firm, NRA legal. NRA Chairman Mark Brodie said Lamb was a dynamic and capable leader, with a strong background in industrial and employment law.

“We are delighted that Dominique has accepted the NRA Board’s invitation to take over leadership of the organisation,” Brodie said.

NRA Dominique Lamb

“In this role Dominique has been closely involved with the retail industry’s review of the modern award system, and has worked closely with many members on their employment or enterprise bargaining issues.

“We believe that having Dominique step up to become the CEO, supported by a new head of NRA Legal, will further strengthen the NRA’s credentials as the nation’s leading retail legal specialist, particularly in relation to employment law,” he added.

Lamb said she was looking forward to continuing to work with NRA clients and retailers across the nation.

“The retail sector is a vital part of the national economy and does more than its fair share of creating jobs, particularly for part-time, casual and lower-skilled workers. That makes an organisation such as the NRA critically important in speaking to government about the needs of the industry, and standing up for employers,” she said.

Lamb’s appointment follows the recent election of former CEO Trevor Evans to the Federal Parliament as the Member for Brisbane.