Sometimes Goliath does prove too strong for David. Before this morning, UnderCurrent had never heard of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) – that's what Masters Medical, a small firm in Blacktown, Sydney – specialises in.
Until Woolworths came a knock-knock-knocking at its door, Masters Medical owned the domain name. That's where you could go to buy "TENS units for pain management, muscle stimulators, electrodes, Therapod Back Care Range and non-slip socks and slippers".
UnderCurrent can this morning reveal that having held out as long as possible, Masters Medical eventually submitted to the might of Woolworths, begrudgingly selling its domain name so Woolies could use it to promote its Masters warehouses.
We understand that Woolies paid a fair price for the domain and was very friendly in its handling of the process, even helping Masters Medical to set up its website at its new home.
Despite this, sometimes it's nice to see the little guy win.
Woolies' Masters' masthead.
An blown up shot of a link to the old Masters Medical website.