By Patrick Avenell
SYDNEY, NSW: Google Australia last night revealed the Top 10 most searched terms by antipodeans in 2009. Interestingly, all these searches are for other famous websites. Most amusing, however, is that Google itself ranks at number six, implying that a considerable number of people often use Google search to access Google search.
The list was revealed at a Google function in Pyrmont. One of the common responses from attendees at the list launch was that all 10 of the most popular searches were for websites that could be accessed by typing the exact same text in the address bar with a <www.> prefix and a <.com> suffix.
Here is the list in full:
1. Facebook
2. YouTube
3. Hotmail
4. eBay
5. MySpace
6. Google
7. Yahoo
8. Gmail
9. Bebo
10. Seek
Notice that Yahoo is at number seven. Although Yahoo offers more than just search functionality, it would appear that some users search on Google in order to access search on Yahoo.
Other points of interest released by Google include KFC being a more popular search term than GFC; in a search fight between sex, religion, politics and the weather, meteorology wins comfortably; ‘I hate kittens’ and ‘I hate bunnies’ were two of the most popular hate searches.
The most popular sporting event search was for the 2009 Melbourne Cup, whilst OneHD was one strongest emerging search terms.