TomTom, the world’s leading provider of navigation solutions and digital maps has teamed up with the longest-running primetime sitcom in television history, The Simpsons. With Homer coming on board to give you turn by turn directions as you drive.
TomTom has just signed a deal with Locutio Voice Technologies and Twentieth Century Fox Licensing & Merchandising, in order to add the original voice of Homer Simpson to its strong portfolio of voice options for its range of GPS devices.
“Celebrity voices are the most popular downloads that we offer our customers to enable them to personalise their driving experience. With Homer Simpson’s voice helping them to navigate during their trip, TomTom users will not only travel safely and with less stress, but they will also be highly entertained along the way,” said Chris Kearney, marketing manager, TomTom Australia and New Zealand.
Elie Dekel, Fox executive vice president Licensing and Merchandising, expressed his opinion about the new deal.
”Homer Simpson has one of the most identifiable voices in entertainment history,” he said. “We have joined forces with TomTom to help celebrate The Simpsons historic 20th anniversary and will help provide a little levity for those long summer road trips ahead,” he said.
The new feature not only provides turn by turn guidance but also provides amusing quotes to help make driving more enjoyable, like, “Take the third right, we might find an ice-cream truck! Mmm…ice cream.”
The Homer Simpson voice is available for download through TomTom users’ Home account, and is priced at AUD $17.50.
To find out more about the new voice option visit