Microsoft Australia has reported strong launch sales of its Xbox One console, which is reportedly sold out at various retailers due to overwhelming demand.
Here is Xbox corporate vice president of strategy and marketing Yusuf Mehdi:
We continue to be humbled and overwhelmed by the positive response from our fans. We are thrilled to see sales of Xbox One on a record-setting pace, with over 2 million Xbox One consoles in homes around the world.
Demand is exceeding supply in our 13 launch markets and Xbox One is sold out at most retailers. We’re also particularly excited to see consumers engaging in a wide range of games and entertainment experiences on the platform, with more than 1 million paid transactions on Xbox Live to date.
Leading local video gaming retail EB Games said the Xbox One’s low price point – RRP $599 – was a major factor. Here is EB Games merchandising director Shane Stockwell:
The launch of the Xbox One was the biggest in Australian entertainment history. The success has not slowed down for the Xbox One; the incredibly low price point and wide range of quality games has been the springboard to unprecedented sales success in EB Games stores.
To date, EB Games could not be happier with the Xbox One – Microsoft have created a quality console that is being enjoyed by record numbers of EB Games customers across Australia.
Stockwell’s comment about the low price point may amuse some Australian gamers: there has been considerable consternation regarding Microsoft’s decision to charge a ~$100 premium on the Xbox One in Australia.