By Chris Nicholls
SYDNEY: TomTom have released two new models that do away with the traditional bulky clip-on mount — the One and XL.
The new windscreen mount, called the EasyPort mount, can be left on the device and folded flat after use. TomTom claims the complete unit is then small enough to fit into a shirt pocket, bag or pocket when the driver leaves the vehicle.
TomTom has also revised the audio systems on both, aiming to improve clarity and volume.
The One comes with a 3.5 inch screen, while the XL uses a 4.3 inch widescreen LCD. Both will be available from the middle of this year.
“The distinctive design of the new TomTom ONE and TomTom XL, with the convenience of the EasyPort mounting solution, will set them apart from other devices on the market, and will appeal to customers looking for a compact, smart, ultra-portable navigation solution, but who don’t wish to compromise on quality or features,” said TomTom chief executive officer Harold Goddijn.
Both new models also come with a ‘Map Share’ system, which allows updates from users across the country to be uploaded to their device. Customers can also purchase an RDS-TMC traffic update module for updates while moving.