With Comments by Patrick Avenell

Apple opened its first Retail Store in Canberra today. Here is a selection of videos and images from the launch.

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Before the doors opened, the queue was entertained by this bizarre chanting session by the staff at the new Canberra store. The Genius leading this drum circle is comfortably most enthusiastic person I've ever met.

And when the doors did open, the staff did their traditional queue runaround. The cultish behaviour at this opening is on par with Jim Jones' Guyanese exploits.

Like the Canberra Raiders preparing to play the Sharks, the Geniuses huddle to receive their final instructions.

The crowd around one hour before the store opened.

A giant Macbook at the front of the store. One assumes it has a Retina display.

A view of the store and the queue and the Canberra Centre that is home to both.

Current.com.au received a special preview before the actual opening. As I was the only journalist attending, one could say this was an exclusive.

The Kids desk in the Apple store – simply sensational!

A view of the crowd from inside the store mere seconds before the iStampede.

The Geniuses sing, dance, clap and cheer all in the name of consumerism.

Brothers Flynn and Tait: first in the queue.

The first customers run the gauntlet into the new Apple store.