Breville has long prided itself on its staff of “food thinkers” (grab a business card from a Breville staffmember and you’ll find the phrase “I’m a food thinker” on the reverse) but it’s good to see that the brand has “food doers” as well.

Last night, Breville Australia general manager Jeremy Sargeant joined a slew of Australian business executives to cook food for the homeless in Sydney and to raise more than a $1 million for charities that assist those in need.

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Sargeant was partnered with chef Justin North at the event, and together they cooked up pizzas to form part of the menu that served more than 1,000 people. He was joined by Kenwood ANZ CEO Paolo Albertoni and Philips ANZ MD Alan McArthy, along with a number of other well known big wigs, including Qantas CEO Alan Joyce.

“It was a great night and very worthy cause,” said Sargeant. “The atmosphere was very festive and overall the chefs, CEOs and guests had a great time and enjoyed some delicious food. Our menu included a tomato, feta and olive pissaladiere pizza with a rocket salad and tomato relish for entree, fish burgers with coleslaw and aioli for main course and an apple crumble with custard and Maggie Beer passion fruit ice-cream for dessert.”

Together, the Breville, Kenwood and Philips executives raised $14,730 (a hat tip to Bing Lee which forked out $1,000 for the fundraising effort), and all up the event brought in $1,033,490.

Breville GM Jeremy Sargeant at CEO CookOff
Breville Australia GM Jeremy Sargeant at las night’s CEO CookOff