If a company gives an extra special amount of money to the International Olympic Committee, it is referred to as The Olympic Partner, or 'TOP' for short. Currently, there are three dedicated consumer electronics brands recognised with that TOP honour: Acer, Samsung and Panasonic.

Despite all three of those companies currently marketing a range of personal computer products, UnderCurrent's London-based Cockney uncle 'arry UnderC'ent Aye was surprised to see a very different computer being used to officiate the Men's 10m Air Rifle Final at the Royal Artillery Barracks in Woolwich (incidentally, 'arry UnderC'ent Aye assures us that this is the arsenal that gave The Arsenal its name).

Now, we all know how serious the IOC takes its sponsorship deals with noted health and wellbeing providers such as McDonalds, Coca-Cola and Christina Aguilera luxury fragrance owner Procter & Gamble; so we asked for an image proving that this rogue computer had found its way onto the official's desk.

And 'arry UnderC'ent Aye obliged:

So, money well spent, aye?