Despite its dramatic fall last week, Kleenmaid is currently advertised as having a stall at this week’s Home Ideas Show in Melbourne displaying its laundry products, a bold move for a company millions of dollars in debt.

Upon calling the organisers of the event, a spokesperson commented that the Kleenmaid stall was closed and is not currently being run at the show after the company called and cancelled.

When asked the question of when Kleenmaid informed the organisers of this decision, it was revealed that it was only brought to their attention on Easter Saturday, only two days before the commencement of the event.

This is just another incident in a long line-up of mishaps at the collapsed appliance manufacturer, and it raises the question of why a manufacturer that knew they were going into administration would commit to running a stall at a highly publicised expo in Melbourne.

But what makes the matter worse is that they are still mentioned on the list of exhibitors on the event website.