By Patrick Avenell
In addition to outlining how Panasonic will record and project visions of the 2012 London Olympics, the Japanese company has also outlined its vision for World Peace.
According to a press release sent today, Panasonic will be delivering the following equipment to Olympic sites for the Games, which runs from 27 July 2012 to 12 August 2012:
45 Large LED Screens to 28 venues
200 Professional Sound Systems to 36 venues
12,000 TVs to various locations
47 103-inch Plasma TVs to various locations
22 DLP Projectors
2,500 AV Security Camera Systems
Furthermore, Panasonic is also delivering the following professional broadcasting equipment:
300 HD Recorders (P2HD/DVCPRO)
100 Camera Recorders (P2HD)
1,000 TV Monitors
30 3D Cameras
All up, that’s 16,244 pieces of AV equipment in Panasonic’s Olympics package.
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Globally, Panasonic is part of The Olympic Partner (TOP) sponsorship program, which recognises long-serving and particularly close supporters of the Olympic Games. Other companies in this select group include Coca-Cola, Acer, McDonald’s, GE, Omega, Proctor & Gamble, Visa and Samsung.
One could never accuse Panasonic of being unambitious when it comes to its sponsorship goals, as this spiel demonstrates:
Panasonic is currently the only Japanese domicile TOP sponsor. Panasonic is proud to support the Olympic Movement aimed at promoting world peace through sports as the Official Worldwide Olympic Partner in the Audio and Visual Equipment category for 25 years since The Olympic Partner Program commenced for the Calgary Olympic Winter games in 1988.
Under the slogan of “Sharing the Passion”, Panasonic will contribute to the success of the Olympic Games through its equipment and technology. In 2007, Panasonic renewed the partnership with the International Olympic Committee through to the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro.
And here's a nice video showcasing all those TOPs at work: