Four months after dumping former creative agency Droga5, Sunbeam has unveiled its first campaign by their replacement, The Works. It’s a completely new direction for Sunbeam, which is no longer positioning its appliances as problem solvers but as ideal for men.
The tagline is ‘real men cook’ and the full 2-minute version shows stereotypically average Aussie males participating in traditionally blokey past times like DIY and watching the footy, followed by appliance-based tasks, such as making a cup of coffee and working a blender. Both the man and and their female partners are strapped up to machines that purport to read their minds, analysing how much they are enjoying the process and how turned on their significant others are by the activity. The results conclude that men prefer “using a blender to sawing timber”, “making coffee to watching footy” and “mixing bowls to drilling holes”. (UnderCurrent would say there is a certain charm to the way that last one rhymes.)
“Real Men Cook is a great initiative to kick off working alongside The Works,” said Sunbeam GM of marketing, John Turnbull. “We are really impressed with how the creative agency got behind this human interest campaign.”
The release of this campaign marks a major change for Sunbeam in how it promotes its appliances. Droga5’s work for the famous Australian appliance brand attempted to show how using Sunbeam appliances can overcome problems that arise unexpectedly.
Sunbeam has launched a microsite — realmencook.com.au — to support this new campaign. The site includes videos for all the different product experiments, lots of fun stats (80 per cent of men love using a blender, making it more popular than a handsaw, for example) and a link to Sunbeam’s online store, where customers can buy appliances that take their fancy. The website promises to soon include a “Real Man’s Food Bible”, which sounds like it would be a recipe book of meals suitable for men to prepare.