Originally Published: 22 December 2010
Vivo International is now selling in New Zealand, with the Australian brand, best known for its TVs, shipping thousands of LED monitors across the Tasman to be sold through Dick Smith.
It’s had been a good year for Vivo even before this news was confirmed, with the Sydney-based supplier expanding into new, bigger premises in Chiswick and consolidating its presence in the Australian flat panel market. New Zealand now joins Israel and Fiji as export markets for the brand.
Vivo International managing director Fabio Grassia told Digital Retailer that he is looking to invest in more above the line consumer marketing in the New Year. His goal is to get the Vivo name out in the marketplace as the leading Tier 2 brand in the TV industry. He also confirmed that he has no plans at all to sell direct, with his strategy firmly based around the traditional retail industry.