By Keri Algar

SYDNEY, NSW: The leaves are turning and as April approaches it’s time many retailers begin to consider consumer winter trends, such as cocooning and cooking at home. Enter a classic winter time treat, soup, and Morphy Richards' entry into the category.

The 1-litre capacity Soup Maker features two programme options, one for smooth soup and the other for chunky soup. After adding the ingredients and water to the appliance Morphy Richards said that a smooth soup can be cooked in as little as 15 minutes and a chunky soup can take 25 minutes to cook. 

There is also a ‘blend’ function for consistencies in between smooth and chunky.

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Morphy Richards also said that the soup maker was easy to clean, requiring a ‘quick rinse’ under the tap followed by a wipe.

The Morphy Richards Soup Maker will be available in May for RRP $169.