In an industry-first, Miele has been awarded the Green Seal certification from the Environmental Media Association (EMA), commending Miele, who together with Chocolate Studios, has made a fully sustainable content series to encourage Australians to live more sustainably.

The four-part social film series showcases Australian artisans across various regions of the Australian landscape from Tasmania to the Northern Territory, shot through the eyes of chefs and sustainability advocates, Matt Stone and Jo Barrett.

Working with First Nations peoples and local experts, each short film shows what can be done to support conservation, growth and regeneration of our ecosystem.

“From waste management and recycling on set to utilising local extras and props, we consistently looked for ways to make the series more economical, environmentally-friendly and lessen our footprint,” Miele marketing director, Michele Laghezza said.

Miele will offset its emissions from the production with Greenfleet to the Noosa restoration reconciliation project, which restores legally protected native forest and creates vital koala habitat, delivering verified social and cultural benefits for Traditional Owners and replacing monoculture plantation with biodiverse native ecosystem.

Guided by Pangolin Associates, Miele has kept a record of its environmental footprint to make the production as sustainable as possible.

“The story of this series is to showcase pristine natural environments, quality ingredients and world class artisans who deeply care for the environment. We wanted to show viewers the smorgasbord of possibilities to choose local, ethically and sustainably sourced produce, and support local growers, producers and creators at the same time,” Laghezza added.