LG Electronics Australia has slashed the price of its groundbreaking 55-inch Curved OLED (55EA9800), from RRP $11,999 to $7,999, a saving of 33 per cent from launch price announced in September 2013. At the same time, the Korean supplier has unveiled a new range of Ultra HD Curved OLED models.
The 55EA9800 Curved OLED TV, which is promoted by Hollywood star Ewan McGregor, was sold exclusively at launch by Harvey Norman. Lambro Skropidis, general manager marketing, said this price cut was the result of improvements in manufacturing.
“Very few companies have been able to master the manufacture of OLED TV technology, and we’re incredibly excited that not only have we been able to innovate and lead in this new segment, but we’ve worked out how to produce at high volumes,” Skropidis said in a statement.
“This is a powerful breakthrough that consolidates LG’s position as one of the world’s leading consumer electronics companies. I feel like we’ve ‘cracked the code’ on OLED TV production efficiency.
“We see OLED technology as the future of television, and we believe consumers with plasma and LED/LCD TVs will look at superior OLED technology as a real option for their next purchase. The new price point will bring our most innovative TV technology to more Australians seeking greater picture quality combined with absolute style.”
Yield rates for OLED TVs have been a source of frustration for several major TV suppliers, a point noted by Paul Gray, director of TV research for DisplaySearch, in an interview with Digital Retailer last year:
“The factories are only getting one good panel out of every 10 panels at 55-inches. Production problems are making it very very tough,” Gray said.
“There was a lot of hype about OLED last year and it will improve over time, but it will be painfully slow.”
Meanwhile, LG has previewed its 2014 OLED TV range ahead of its official unveiling at the 2014 International CES in Las Vegas.
“All of the exceptional OLED models we’re showcasing at CES offer remarkable picture quality and refined, modern aesthetics,” said Skropidis. “Driving the evolution of television into the next generation, LG will continue to employ its technological and design expertise to bring impressive OLED TVs to market.”
The new range includes the much-anticipated launch of Curved OLED panels displaying Ultra HD, or 4K, picture resolution. Ultra HD is four times Full HD — LG’s aforementioned 55EA9800 is only Full HD — meaning these soon-to-be-released 55-, 65- and 77-inch Curved OLED panels offer a truly innovative proposition.
“For more viewing options,” LG claims, “the 77-inch model has been equipped with LG’s own Ultra HD Engine Pro, which can upscale SD, HD or Full HD content to enjoy greater detail on a large screen.
“The upscaled results are even better than the company’s previous models due to the error-correction capabilities of the enhanced super resolution algorithm, which can help to reduce blurring from the upscaling process.”